This past Sunday was Father’s Day. I was traveling home from the California Homeschool Convention, so I wasn’t able to attend the church I regularly attend. However, I did put together a drama that was performed to honor the fathers who came to church that day. My “go to” actor in the drama team took responsibility for it, and everyone says that it went really well.
I want to add one note about how you might stage this to make it even more enjoyable. The drama is about how a son’s perception of his father changes as he grows up. To illustrate each perception, I took pictures of men in our congregation and had them projected onto the big screen. I did this to make the drama as simple as possible, since I wasn’t there to deal with all the headaches. However, I think the drama could be even better if you used different actors to represent the different perceptions. This would make for a larger cast and a lot of costuming issues, but I do think it would be more interesting and more fun for the congregation.
As is the case with all my dramas, please feel free to use this script in any way that serves the Body of Christ. I would appreciate credit, but that’s not necessary.
(The lights come up on an empty stage. A man in at least his 30’s walks out. He is in normal clothes and is really relaxed. When he hits center stage, he looks straight into the audience and begins to talk.)
Man: Since it’s Father’s Day, I have been thinking a lot about my dad, and I have come to realize something pretty interesting…He’s changed a lot over the years. When I was young, for example, my father was Superman.
(At this point, a picture of someone familiar to the congregation dressed in a Superman outfit is projected onto the screen. He should be in a hero-like pose, looking off in the distance to find the next person he must save. I used the pastor for this photo, which added to the comedic effect.)
Man: He could do anything. He could leap tall buildings in a single bound. He was faster than a speeding bullet. He was my hero. And one thing was absolutely true: He could certainly beat up your dad! But then I got a little older, and my dad changed. He became sort of a “Mr. Fix It.”
(At this point, the picture of Superman is replaced by a man building something or fixing something. Ideally, he looks like a professional builder. We have a professional builder in our congregation, so I went to one of his worksites and took a picture of him at work.)
Man: No matter how badly I had broken a toy, I could hand it to him, and he would make it as good as new. If I did something bad and hurt someone else, he could figure out a way to fix that, too. No matter what the problem was, he could always figure out a solution for it. But then I got a little older, and dad changed again. He became my buddy.
(At this point, “Mr. Fix It’s” picture is replaced with a picture of a father in play clothes, holding a baseball bat, football, or some other sports-related stuff.)
Man: We would play baseball together, wrestle with each other, and have a great time. He would take me to ball games, movies, and parks. We were best pals, and it was wonderful. But then I got a little older, and once again, he changed. He became…well…a moron.
(At this point, the buddy is replaced with a picture of a man in a clown costume or a dunce cap doing something really stupid. The more nonsensical the picture, the better.)
Man: I was amazed at how stupid he was. He didn’t seem to know anything! I mean, he had lived a lot longer than I had, but I knew so much more than he did. I was just astounded at how stupid he was. But then I got a little older, and he seemed to learn something along the way. He was still dumb about a lot of things, but boy…did he know finances.
(At this point, the moron is replaced by a man in normal clothes with a checkbook and a calculator. He should have the air of a financial genius. I used a man from the congregation who serves as the head of the finance committee.)
Man: As I got a job, bought a car, tried to decide about whether or not to buy a house, I was amazed at the great advice my dad gave me. He seemed to know everything about the financial world. It was almost as if he had done it before! And then I got even older, and suddenly, my dad became the smartest person in the world.
(At this point, the financial guy is replaced by an older man in a graduate’s cap and gown.)
Man: Every time I have to figure something out, I ask my dad what he thinks. He gives me great advice, and I continue to marvel over how much he has learned since I was a teenager…You know, my dad sure has changed a lot over the years, but here’s something that hasn’t changed: He’s my dad, and I love him.
(lights out)