I just got back from a great fishing trip with one of my favorite people in the world. Here is a picture of the catch:

The fish look a lot prettier right after they have been caught. Here is an example of what a fresh mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) looks like:

You are one lucky guy.
Here’s something you should fear – reproducing life from pre-biotic materials is getting closer and closer. This has already been accomplished:
“It is astonishing, but true, that molecular reproduction in the form of collectively autocatalytic sets of either DNA or RNA or peptides have been made. The most complex, created by Reza Ghadiri at Scripps and his former post-doctoral fellow, Gonen Askanazy, now at Ben Gurion University, consists in nine polypeptides, each 32 amino acids long, that mutually catalyze one another’s formation from fragments of each of these nine polypeptides. Critically, these results demonstrate conclusively that molecular reproduction need not be based on template replicating DNA, RNA.”
Read further to see what’s in store in the near future.
The difference between you and me is that I don’t fear scientific knowledge. You are forced to fear much of science, as it conflicts with your unscientific views. However, I have no problem with such experiments. In fact, they show how absurd the idea of abiogenesis is. As the article you linked specifically says:
This just confirms the view demonstrated quite clearly by Simon Conway Morris:
You are amazingly good at trying to divert attention from your scientific blunders by bringing up unrelated issues. Nice try, but I won’t let it pass without pointing it out.
And Ken Ham, you and the rest of the Creation Museum supporters should fear that patrons will go to the Smithsonian Human Origins exhibit. They might learn about actual scientific evidence if they do.
Creationists don’t fear the Smithsonian Human Origins exhibit. However, evolutionists fear the Creation Museum, which is why they yell so loudly against it. This, of course, is because evolutionists are just like you – they fear serious science education. When people learn real science, they learn how inane evolutionary views are.
Once again, you are amazingly good at trying to divert attention from your scientific blunders by bringing up unrelated issues. Nice try, but I won’t let it pass without pointing it out.
This post was about fish! Come on, can’t I add some random real science to your blog?
If it were real science, that would be one thing. However, what you are adding is nonsense, not science. Also, if you didn’t make a habit of trying to distract from your ridiculous blunders by posting irrelevant things, I would be a bit more tolerant of the occasional unrelated post.