Not long ago, I discussed a debate that will take place between Bill Nye the Anti-Science Guy and Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis. As I wrote, I tried to get tickets to the debate, but they sold out minutes after they went on sale. It turns out that the demand for this debate has been overwhelming, so Answers in Genesis has teamed up with Google+ and Youtube to give anyone who wants it a live streaming video feed of the debate!
The url for the live stream is debatelive.org. If you go there now, you can sign up to watch the debate. If all goes well, I will be watching it via this service and will blog about my thoughts the next day.
Looking forward to this!
Can’t wait!!
When are people going to realize that using an international date format for an international audience is important? The date for this event is 2014-02-04 (ISO format). There will be many people from NZ and Australia tuning into this event that will read it as “the second of April, 2014” (dd/mm/yyyy). And, although the text blurb clarifies this, their eye will be drawn to the big date with the bright orange background.
Just my 2 cents.
Here comes the debate! I hope it is civil and interesting. I feel like debates tend to be about two people trying to cut each other up with their own knowledge, rather than two people discussing information that is available for everyone. I hope this one is different!
Hehe, can’t Wait, for the thoughts I mean!
I just posted my initial thoughts. I expect there will be one or two follow-ups as well.