My wife and I felt led to leave the church we had been attending for 25+ years, and after a lot of searching and praying, we found a wonderful new church. There are lots of ways to serve in this church, and one of them is to contribute to the church’s blog. I will be doing that on a regular basis. My contributions to the blog will come under the heading “Amazed by Him,” because that’s the way I feel when I study Him. As a scientist, I am amazed by His creation, and as a Christian, I am amazed by Him. If you would like, you can read my first article, which was published today:
Spot on.
Good morning Dr. Wile
I thought I recognized that photo. You are looking into Glacier National Park and specifically into Goat Haunt from the Prince of Wales Hotel. I am the Chief of Facilities in Glacier. That is an amazing area of the park and I’m glad you got to visit. Unfortunately Goat Haunt was closed this year due to a number of things out of my control. First time in our history we had to close this part of the park. But, there isn’t a better place to be amazed by God’s handiwork. I ask people, “How do you like my office? Didn’t God do a great job arranging the furniture?”
Jim Foster
Chief of Facilities
Glacier National Park
We try to go there once each year. You all do a great job!